New York Professional Events List

16th International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Artificial Intelligence

Jul 11, 2021 - 09:00 AM - Jul 13, 05:00 PM
Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences IBaI
Hotel Marriott, Marriott Downtown, 8,Albany Street

New York,
ZIP: 10006

Ticket Price: General Admission: EUR 680.0
The automatic analysis of images and signals in medicine, biotechnology, System Biology, chemistry, biometry, drug discovery and information robots is a challenging and demanding field. Signal-producing procedures by microscopes, spectrometers and other sensors have found their way into wide fields of medicine, biotechnology, economy and environmental analysis. With this arises the problem of the automatic mass analysis of signal information. Signal-interpreting systems which generate automatically the desired target statements from the signals are therefore of compelling necessity. The continuation of mass analyses on the basis of the classical procedures leads to investments of proportions that are not feasible. New procedures and system architectures are therefore required. The scope of conference is to bring together researcher, praticioners, and industry people who are dealing with mass analysis of images and signals to present and discuss recent research in these fields.

Category: Conferences | Government and Social Sector | Defence and Military


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Keywords: conference


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